Monday, December 1, 2008

4 People are the Perfect Fit

So we discovered this Thanksgiving that four people are the perfect fit in our kitchen. We each had our own counter space, plenty of elbow room and no one was ever on top of another person. I honestly think that we might have had room for one more, but lets not push it.

The Smiths came over to bake with us and so we turned this

into this

and this

and this

and Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread.

We split up the booty and now for the next few weeks days we are going to be stuffing ourselves with baking goodness.

Let me just say that baking with friends is the way to do it. You aren't having to make the mess all by yourself, you aren't having to eat everything yourself and when you are debating if 3/4 cup of Karo syrup is enough you have someone beside you saying "Sure, whatever, just throw it in!"


Anonymous said...

Did my "proof reading, find mistakes even in books" daughter write this?

joshntiff said...

there was just one mistake right? I think I got it

Anonymous said...

Can I be the Smith?