Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our Paragraph

Every year my parents send out a Christmas letter and each sibling gets one paragraph summarizing their life over the past year. Since being married Mom doesn't consult us anymore about what to include in our paragraph, but I would have to say I have made her life super easy this year. Basically my part could be:

If you want to know about Tiffany and Joshua just go to www.thefykes.blogspot.com and find out more than you ever wanted to know about their 2008.

I don't know if she would really do that though because then everyone she knows would be introduced to the fact that her daughter lets strangers sleep in her house and actually leaves the country with no real accommodations planned, etc. Mom has come to grips with our strangeness but I don't see her letting her friends in on our absurdity. Unless of course they are playing that game where you tell 2 truths and a lie and then she will totally make our life one of the truths that no one in the group would ever believe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true! By the way, the Christmas letter hasn't even gotten started this year. May be the end of the road. MOM